New Zealand


New Zealand
  • Food:
    • Dish: Bacon and egg pie, lamb, pavlova
  • Languages:
    • Languages Spoken: English, Maori
  • Climate:
    • Temperature: 10.55°C
  • Other Information:
    • Calling Code: 64
    • Currency: New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
    • Top Level Domain: .nz
    • Government: Constitutional Monarchy
    • Independence: 1907
    • ISO Code: 554
    • Life Expectancy: 77.8
    • Religion: Christianity

Country map

New Zealand map
  • Geography:
    • Country Code: NZ
    • Population: 4841000
    • Area: 270534 km²
    • Continent: Oceania
    • Location: Australia and New Zealand
  • Places:
    • Capital: Wellington
    • Cities count: 280